Well it's finally here, the night before my very first placement.
My bag is packed, my uniform is hung up with fob watch and id badge attached.
Tomorrow I will don my uniform and step out on the ward as a student nurse for the very first time, and I am so very nervous.
My bag is packed, my uniform is hung up with fob watch and id badge attached.
Tomorrow I will don my uniform and step out on the ward as a student nurse for the very first time, and I am so very nervous.
I expected to be nervous because it is a brand new never been done by me before adventure. I don't have the care experience of a lot of my colleagues in uni. I did work for the doctors out of hours but in a receptionist role, so have experience with patients and their families in a non clinical way but this will be my first on the ward experience that isn't as a patient.
I've got a 7am start and I'm worried about oversleeping so can't seem to settle, I keep thinking that I will forget something or miss something or do something wrong.
I know its normal but I feel as if as soon as I walk out onto that ward that my mind will go blank.
It really doesn't help that I woke up this morning with a cold, runny nose and sore throat combo.
Fingers crossed that the doses of cold and flu medicine work their magic tonight.
Wish me luck, and if your reading this as a student nurse before your first placement, good luck to you too.
I'll update with how it goes.
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